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Clima Final Conference


On 17th-19th May the final conference of Clima project will be held in Rome, palazzo Patrizi Clementi. All the interested people are warmly invited to partecipate.

LOCANDINA Final Conference CLIMA


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Alma Sistemi Srl sponsor of “SPACEUP PISA”



SPACEUP”, for the third time in Italy, will take place in Pisa on 5-6 May 2018.

The event is organized by EUROAVIA, the “European Association of Aerospace Students” which nowadays counts more than 2000 members from 43 universities across 17 countries.

SpaceUps are space “unconventional” conferences where participants decide the topic, the schedule and the structure of the event. Everyone is, indeed, encouraged to give a talk, a round-table session or to just simply share ideas about space exploration, space engineering, astronomy and so on.

ALMA SISTEMI SRL takes part of the event as sponsor, in order to support the cultural interest for space technologies together with the aerospace industry network.


For more info about SpaceUp Pisa, take a look at: