End-User conference in Stirling (UK) for CLIMA project

On 24th November 2015, in Stirling (UK), it has been helded the End Users workshop of the project
“Cultural Landscape risk Identification, Management and Assessment” (CLIMA), in which Alma
Sistemi S.a.S is involved as a partner.
Goal of the CLIMA project is to design and implement a WebGIS based multi-task platform that
integrates different remote sensing technologies, which can ensure, on a spatial scale, both macro
and micro levels, the mapping, diagnostic and monitoring purpose of archaeological cultural
landscapes including buried and exposed archaeological remains.
The Platform will provide specific products (e.g. periodic vulnerability and warning maps) to allow
the authorities in charge of cultural landscape preservation to implement more effective
maintenance plans and actions.
The End Users conference aimed at presenting the project to potential end-users, and to receive
back guidelines and expert advices, in a way to improve the potentiality and the applicability of
the project results.
Many useful input come out from the meeting, that will be taken in consideration during the
platform’s design and development.
From the discussion emerged that CLIMA could help propose best practice, and would be well
placed to be critical of current policy in light of archaeological findings at a local, national and
European level.
The development of the CLIMA system for specific risk assessment and mapping will also be
important in providing an evidence base for discussing broader trends in archaeological
preservation, risk and protection.
End users present at the workshop were: Flavia Trucco (Soprintendenza ai Beni archeologici del
Lazio e dell’Etruria Meridionale, IT), Dave Cowley (Historic Environment Scotland, UK), Geoff Bailey
(Falkirk Council, UK), Murray Cook (Stirling Council, UK), Vasiliki Lysandrou (Cyprus University of
Technology and Cyprus Remote Sensing Society, CY).
More information about CLIMA project, partners and their role: http://clima-project.eu