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29 Articles

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Perimetrazione automatica di incendi con drone equipaggiato con sensore specifico

ALMA Sistemi Srl in cooperazione con la società cooperativa MediaGEO, la Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale “Earth Observation Satellite Images Applications Lab” (EOSIAL) dell’Università di Roma “La Sapienza” ed il Nucleo Investigativo Antincendi Boschivi (NIAB) del Comando Carabinieri per la Tutela Forestale sono risultati aggiudicatari del bando ASI per le “NUOVE IDEE DI APPLICAZIONI INTEGRATE, SERVIZI E PRODOTTI INNOVATIVI BASATI SULL’USO DEI DATI SATELLITARI DI TELECOMUNICAZIONI (TLC)/NAVIGAZIONE (NAV)”.

Il sistema di Perimetrazione automatica di incendi con drone equipaggiato con sensore specifico (PEDROS) proposto prevede la messa a punto di un sistema SAPR (Sistema Aviotrasportato a Pilotaggio Remoto) che possa essere di ausilio alla perimetrazione dettagliata, di aree boschive aggredite da insetti/patogeni e/o da incendi boschivi al fine di trasmettere alle competenti autorità la certificazione di dette aree colpite da danno ambientale, in ottemperanza alla attuale legislazione.

La normativa vigente in materia di incendi boschivi prevede l’istituzione da parte degli Enti Locali di una cartografia di tutte le aree percorse dal fuoco che consenta di vincolare le particelle catastali del tutto o in parte interessate dal fenomeno fino al completo ripristino della vegetazione preesistente al passaggio del fuoco. Le linee guida in materia di incendi boschivi prevedono la mappatura annuale delle aree percorse dal fuoco utilizzando le informazioni già raccolte dalle unità forestali ed arricchendole di indicazioni di georeferenziazione in ambiente GIS.

Tutta l’Italia è interessata dagli incendi boschivi anche se con intensità diverse; infatti ogni Regione ha una sua caratterizzazione che funge da detonatore e l’analisi criminale svolta dai Carabinieri Forestali in questi anni ha evidenziato che all’interno di ogni Regione ciascuna provincia brucia per motivazioni proprie e differenti dalle altre. È importante sottolineare che alle nostre latitudini, gli incendi boschivi non sono causati da calamità naturali o da fatalità, ma da comportamenti sociali volontari o involontari.

In Italia l’Arma dei Carabinieri, ai sensi del decreto legislativo 177/2016, ha il compito di reprimere il fenomeno, effettuare gli accertamenti tecnici di polizia giudiziaria conseguenti gli incendi boschivi che prevedono:

  • attività di rilievo delle aree percorse dal fuoco (R.a.p.f.);
  • rilievo della vegetazione danneggiata;
  • individuazione delle cause e dei responsabili;
  • arresto degli autori.

I dati georeferenziati, relativi alle perimetrazioni delle aree percorse dal fuoco, effettuate dai militari percorrendo il delimitare del bosco bruciato con i GPS in dotazione ai Reparti, vengono riportati sul sistema informativo dell’Arma e sono messi a disposizione dei Comuni ai fini della redazione del catasto comunale delle aree percorse dal fuoco, previsto dall’art. 10 della L. 353/2000.

In questo contesto si colloca il progetto PEDROS, per fornire uno strumento di telerilevamento “automatico” che sia in grado di operare in qualsiasi condizione per approfondire il dettaglio e confermare le analisi prodotte con sistemi di rilevamento satellitare classici.

Il sistema sarà sviluppato con sviluppo di software particolare che oltre a prevedere analisi di immagini tele rilevate (satellite o aerofotogrammetriche), per l’individuazione dei confini delle aree forestali colpite, sia in grado di operare in qualsiasi condizione ambientale, anche in assenza di comunicazione GSM, avvalendosi di comunicazione satellitare e posizionamento satellitare, in particolare del sistema ad alta precisione europeo Galileo.

ALMA SISTEMI, in qualità di coordinatore, curerà la progettazione e realizzazione di un prototipo di SAPR basato su un modello open source offerto con hardware DJI. Il Laboratorio della Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale curerà la definizione degli algoritmi per il riconoscimento delle immagini, mentre la MediaGEO progetterà e realizzerà i test di campo e le fasi di disseminazione e comunicazione dei risultati.

Il Corpo Forestale dell’Arma dei Carabinieri, per il tramite dei suoi nuclei addetti alla investigazione antincendi e monitoraggio ambientale, parteciperà all’iniziativa con appoggio e effettivo coinvolgimento nella fase di definizione dei requisiti e nella fase di verifica e validazione del sistema in ambiente rappresentativo partecipando alla selezione delle aree di test, all’esecuzione dei test stessi e all’analisi delle risultati finali anche al fine di validare il sistema negli scenari operativi.


Renzo Carlucci – mediaGEO –

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Economy bY spacE (EYE) Impact of Covid-19 outbreak on European economies

ALMA Sistemi Srl awarded another H2020 project focussed on Covid-19 impact on Economy monitored by space.
Space technology connected with Artificial Intelligence and machine learning techniques is one of the most rapidly developing field of science and also play a key role to control disaster by space like Covid-19 outbreak. The collaboration between space and information technology fields can generate significant advances in disaster management and recovery.
There are a significant number of indirect parameters observable from space that can be correlated to the impact on the economy of natural, health (including epidemic) and man-made disasters.
Classical environment parameters (geographical, climatological and hydrogeological) and man induced impact on the environment (pollution, heat) can be combined with economic parameters of human activities impacted by the epidemic including transportation, industry, and commerce. Specific human activities can be directly correlated with the progression of the diseases i.e. increase of heat delivered by crematorium in the affected areas as well as in the dwelling areas due to lock-down restrictions.
All these “observed parameters” need to be correlated to macro parameters related to the progress of the epidemic and its impact to the economy at different scales. At medium- and long-term time scale, this methodology enables the near real-time monitoring of macroeconomic parameters during the recovery phase following the end of the emergency outbreak.
The project EYE intends to propose a pre-operational service based on Copernicus data integrated with statistic and geospatial data into an IT platform able to provide automate image processing supported by artificial intelligence algorithms and forecasting models to assess the impact on the economy of the Covid-19 epidemic at different scales (Regional/National/European).
EYE platform will be an important decision support tool for the Public authorities at different scale (National, regional and local) as well as to economic operators interested in the assessment (and rating) of local and national economies.
The platform will be initially targeted to Italy and Spain as the most affected area of Covid-19 in Europe with extensions to Cyprus and Greece and with the potential to be operative for the whole Europe and worldwide.
In the pictures below[1] Long Beach container yard on February 8th (left) and March 17th 2020 (right) showing the slowing of business in container transportation.

[1] Source BBC / MAXAR

The number of containers is one economic parameter that can be taken in consideration to measure the slowdown of the business activities at Long Beach and potentially derive the impact of the lock down measure to California GDP.

EYE Network




SME/ Academia

Background required and task

ALMA Sistemi Srl




Management, System Integration / IT Platform

University Tor Vergata (Rome)




Department of Management and Law

Economic Geography / (macro)economic spatial planning and programming

Geosystem Hellas




Remote Sensing data processing / IT Platform

University of Thessaly




Epidemic study department

Creotec Instrument SA




Copernicus access system, image processing and Artificial intelligence software

Wroclaw University




Geodesy and Cartography Departments

Spatial Economy Department

Universidad Complutense de Madrid







Departamento de Análisis Matemático y Matemática Aplicada Facultad de Informática Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Faculty of Economics

Space System Soulutions Ltd




IT Platform

Cyprus Space Exploration Organization




Economy / Data Analytics (CSEO includes Cyprus International Institute of Management)

The project is intended to be presented for the H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020 with deadline 28th April 2020 with a duration of 4 years and KO in January 2021.
The project is based on exchange of personnel between Industry and Academia and between different countries.

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eUMaP “Development of Utilities Management Platform for the case of Quarantine and Lockdown “

LMA Sistemi Srl is active in research and innovation for Covid-19. The project eUMaP “Development of Utilities Management Platform for the case of Quarantine and Lockdown ” has been selected for funding under the last H2020-RISE call. The consortium is leaded by ALMA Sistemi Srl and include a team of 9 partners from Italy, Cyprus, Greece, Lithuania and Germany.

In 2020 Europe went through a very significant economic and social crisis, namely the response to the disease of Coronavirus. Over 200 million European citizens were obliged to observe restrictive measures, in some cases lock down measures, in order for governments and local authorities of the Member States of the European Union to address and limit the problem of the spread of the virus. Through this situation a number of problems emerged, one of which relates to the management of building utilities under such conditions. Specifically, in a very few days most of the activity of the European Economy shifted from the office environment to homes, leading to several problems in relation to with the completeness and integrity of utilities such as power outages, water shortage and insufficient internet connection. The initiative entitled Development of Utilities Management Platform for the case of Quarantine and Lockdown – eUMaP aims to implement all those activities that will lead to the development of an open platform through which local authorities will be able to plan and manage the demand and supply of building utilities in case of quarantine or lock down. The platform will be developed through a Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) program. eUMaP platform will be based on the rational of earth observation, and the recording of the required network information in open BIM platforms of five European capital cities (Rome, Berlin, Athens, Vilnius, Nicosia). The platform will be piloted in study areas with the aim of optimizing it and delivering it as an open platform upon completion of the program.


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First flight to Kourou Spaceport in French Guiana for the Spacecraft Transport Container

The 23 tons and 13 meter long Spacecraft Transport Container designed by ALMA Sistemi and manufactured by Garofoli is going to have is first flight to Kourou Spaceport in French Guiana. The transport container is carrying the first SpaceBus NEO satellite and it fits in the cargo bay of the Russian aircraft Antonov. The total mass including the satellite is close to 27 tons.

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ALMA Sistemi is participating to SpaceCom 2019 , Houston, Texas (USA)

ALMA Sistemi is currently engaged in an effort to bring its expertise to a wider audience in the Space Market by participating to several conference and technical workshops. After MAKS 2019, Moscow, Russia and AIRTEC 2019 in Munich, Germany ALMA Sistemi is now showing at SpaceCOM 2019, Houston, Texas (USA)in cooperation with ICE (Istituto per il Commercio Estero).

Our participation will bring our industrial activities in the field of Mechanical Ground Support Equipment as well as research projects to an international level to expand our business with specific regard to Space and Defence.

ALMA Sitemi will also be present in Turin for aerospace & Defence Meetings at the end of this month.

SpaceCOM 2019, Houston, Texas (USA)
Alessio Di Iorio, Alma Sistemi CEO at SpaceCOM 2019, Houston, Texas (USA)
SpaceCOM 2019, Houston, Texas (USA)
Alessio Di Iorio, Alma Sistemi CEO at AIRTEC 2019 in Munich, Germany
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Stable Project Annual Meeting in Athens

The STABLE project annual meeting was held today, 04th of November 2019, in Athens in the room located on the ground floor of the National Technical University of Athens library and was conducted by the project coordinator, Alessio Di Iorio from Alma Sistemi and with all members of the consortium present.

The meeting proceeded smoothly and after it, all the partners gathered in a Taverna for the social dinner.

STABLE Consortium members during the meeting
Alessio Di Iorio, Alama Sistemi CEO
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Thales Alenia Huge Satellite Transport Container

ALMA Sistemi Srl and Garofoli SpA in cooperation with Thales Alenia Space, has delivered one the biggest transport container for Satellites ever built. The transport container for the Thales Alenia NEOSAT Satellite series has been engineered by ALMA Sitemi and manufactured at Garofoli’s workshop in Terni, Italy and it has remarkable dimensions of 13,0 x 5,4 x 4,2 (LxWxH) meters. The transport container is now on his way to Thales Alenia establishment in Cannes by ship boarded at Civitavecchia harbour. A big thanks to the whole team and specially to ALMA team for the very important achievement.


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Alma Managment System Certificate

Certificato di Conformità N° 279777-2018-AQ-ITA-ACCREDIA – Certificazione in accordo allo Standard ISO 9001:2015

ALMA Sistemi SRL acquired the ISO9001-2015 certification for the  Realization of engineering products and services with high added value including mechanical engineering and project management. The certification n. 279777-2018-AQ-ITA-ACCREDIA, shows the company processes compliance to the standard ISO-9001-2015. The certificated has been issued by DNV GL Business Assurance Italia S.r.l. and it is valid through April 2022.


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logo--enMSCA RISE Open Call

The Research Executive Agency (REA) would like to promote the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange Call (MSCA RISE) with this video, which opened on December 4th.
Research and Innovation specialists from the academic and industrial sector can greatly benefit from the worldwide cooperation across disciplines and sectors that MSCA RISE offer.

All types of organisations from all research areas are encouraged to apply for RISE: universities, research centres, corporations, SMEs, professional associations, etc.

The Call will remain open until 2 April, 2019. Check the Funding and Tenders Portal for details.